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Bicycles with Anime/Manga futures are called itachari (痛チャリ*)…
Most times the bike’s wheels have a disc attached with the characters, as the frame itself is to thin to show large characters.
Example are looking like this:
Here is our second round of Itansha motorbike shots.
The character displayed is Makani Terror from the comic / graphic novel Riders in the Storm.
Here is the first Itansha motorcycle.
The characters presented are from the comic / graphic novel Riders in the Storm.
Noraimo Graphics Itasha car shot in Tokyo, Akihabara.
(more…)The Idol M@ster itasha found in THE meetup-garage in Akiba.
(more…)Itasha aka 痛車 stands for painful cars in an ironic meaning, at least as we understand it – for us, of course, these are beautifully painted and covered cars with Manga drawings, Anime or Game Characters displayed on the surface(s) of the cars.
There are two “subdivisions” called itansha 痛単車 – for motorbikes and itachari 痛チャリ for bicycles on the other hand.